3M 7995MP double sided tape in sheets in a high qualitymonadhesive spacer for membrane keyboards with 200MP acrylic adhesive and liner in polythene paper. This is a perfect solution for:
Dimensions: 61cm x 91cm or 70cm x 100cm. Each box contains 100 sheets.
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Product description
3M 7995MP double sided tape in sheets has a 0,075 mm thick backing and is UL homologated with polythene paper. It resist also to high temperatures, up to 121°C continuosly and up to 149°C for short terms. It guarantees high adhesion which allows to get long-lasting joints. This is a product with high cohesive force that counteracts the division of pieces even in difficult environments.
The total thickness of the sheets is 125 micron. High quality double sided tape excellent for monoadhesive spacers for membrane keyboards.
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