Writing room: how many rows are on a single label?

Sellers must comply with well-defined rules when it comes to displaying products for sale. First of all, you must show the price of the goods: stating this is the legislative decree of 31 March 1998, no. 114.


In it, it is stated that all retail products must clearly show the price in order to ensure that the consumer can make all necessary calculations and comparisons before purchasing.


It must be noted that, from time to time, depending on the type of store and product, prices can be shown differently. Those who sell packaged fresh products will use personalized labels by means of a manual price labeller, while those who run large supermarkets can opt for the display of the price on the shelf for all products that do not require prices diversified by weight.


But that’s not all. When you sell pre-packaged food products you also need to show the expiry date. The content in this case is regulated by the European Regulation no. 1169/2011.


It is therefore clear that small shops which sell – for instance – perishable bakery products, will have to equip themselves with a labeller which can print both the price and the expiry date. But how many rows can you fit on a manual labeller label?


How many rows are there in a manual labeller?


There is no doubt about it: no one wants to apply every single price by hand by gluing paper labels with double-sided adhesive tape. Fortunately, there are various types of price labellers on the market.


The simplest are undoubtedly those that offering the possibility of printing labels including just a single row: this is the case for manual price labellers chosen by those sellers who only need to display the price of individual products, and nothing more.


Price labellers of this kind make it possible for you to print from 6 to 8 digits, to which you can add any currency symbol.


Sometimes, however, a single row is not enough. As described above, in addition to the price it may also be necessary to indicate the expiration date, or perhaps the reference lot number.


A single row, then, will no longer be enough, but that is not a problem, as two-row manual labellers are also quite common. Here you can really go wild, as different manufacturers offer labels and ink pads with different possibilities.


Typically, in the upper row there are 10 numeric or alphanumeric characters, with which it will be possible to indicate either the reference lot, or the product code (for personal codes indicating the goods type, the supplier, and so on) or, indeed, the expiration date.


In the bottom row you can print the price, instead. But beware: should you not need to print the price, the upper row can be dedicated to printing the lot number, and the lower one to the full expiration date, provided you have 8 or 10 digits available (dd/mm/yyyy or dd/mm/yy).


In some cases, however, it might make little sense to indicate the year.


What if you need more space? Well, there are manual price labellers which can print three rows of characters.


In this case, they are rather complex devices, but still very simple to use: for example, just have a look at the Sato PB3 price labeller, which allows users to print very wide labels on 3 rows, for a total of 36 characters in total.


Specifically, in the case of the Sato PB3 manual price labeller, 8 digits 6 mm (0.23 in) high are available for the main row, 12 digits 4.5 mm (0.17 in) high for the second row and 12 digits 3 mm (0.11 in) high for the thinnest row.


To accommodate all this content, the labels are 30mm by 21mm (1.1 x 0.8 in). These are, of course, manual price labellers used for consistent production, typically for industrial applications.


How much do price labeller labels cost?


As we have outlined, then, there are manual price labellers able to print labels with one, two or three rows, according to your business’ needs.


All you need to do is buy the ideal labeller and load it with the right labels: in our e-commerce website, in addition to price labellers, there are also labels rolls available for sale.


Let’s take a look at classic 18 mm by 11 mm (0.7 x 0.4 in) labels, designed for printing on one or two rows. In this case, the rolls are sold in boxes of 61, 122, 183 rolls, up to 366 rolls, at the current price of 72 cents per roll.

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