What temperature can paper tape withstand? Features and usage

Categories : Paper adhesive tape

What temperature can paper masking tape withstand? Many things are often asked of masking tape. Obviously, effective covering is required of it in order to be certain none of the surrounding paint bleeds through.

It needs to be a good seal against the underlying surface, and to have excellent removability at the same time: paper masking tape that, once the paint is dry, refuses to come off is certainly not a quality one.

On the contrary, the paper tape should be easily and quickly removable, without damaging the paint next to it and leaving no residue behind. Moreover, paper tape must allow for fast and effective application, in order to have perfectly straight lines, or round where necessary (in that case, it is best to use appropriate rolls of crepe paper tape).

But that’s not all: certain rolls of paper tape, usually meant for professional use, need to have a high – or very high – temperature resistance.

So many companies, before buying masking tape, ask themselves what temperature a particular kind of paper tape can withstand: let’s have a look at the options on the market and, of course, on our professional adhesive tape online store.

Paper tape and high temperatures: in which does it need to withstand it?


Most people, when they hear about masking paper tape, immediately think about the rolls of paper used during plastering work in the house, carried out personally or by a professional painter.

In that case, of course, no special resistance to high temperatures is necessary: no painter will ever ask our customer service how much a certain roll withstand.

In principle, in fact, painter’s paper tape is applied to baseboards, doors, furniture, tiles, lamps and, at most, radiators. The matter, however, is not always so easily solved.

Sometimes, in fact, the painting processes also involve the positioning of the painted object in an environment with high temperatures, so as to settle the paint or increase its performance.

Of course, in these cases the masking tape must be able to remain in place even at high temperatures; knowing what temperature is reached inside their own ovens, every company in the sector is therefore inclined to wonder what temperature the paper tape they’re about to buy can withstand.

In our professional adhesive tape e-commerce, we divide masking tapes into 4 different categories: one is dedicated to outdoor applications, with paper tape designed for outdoor use. The other 3, however, each have rolls of paper tape capable of withstanding different temperatures.


Paper tapes that withstand up to 60 °C (140 °F)


Let’s begin with the first category of paper tape: in this case, we’re dealing with masking tape designed for construction, carpentry, for painting, and for cold varnishing. This, therefore, is a paper tape that can withstand up to 60 °C (140 °F) designed, first of all, to work at room temperature. Thus, exposure to extreme temperatures is not advised, it’s not meant to washstand furnaces or similar heating tools.

As you can imagine, the paper masking tape that can be found in this category is the most widespread, the most used, as well, as of course, the cheapest.

You can choose from a wide range of tape types, starting from the width of the roll, from those with a width of 15 millimetres (0.1 in) to the widest ones, up to 10, 15, 20 or 25 centimetres (3.9, 5.9, 7.8 or 9.8 in).

In this category you can also find the aforementioned crepe paper masking tape, for roundish and absolutely perfect masking.


Paper masking tape that can withstand up to 80 °C (176 °F)


Departing from normal paper tape meant for construction, we can now move to masking tape designed for bodywork or industrial painting.

In these sectors, very often, paper tape that can withstand up to 60 °C (140 °F) isn’t enough, as it must deal with painting and finishing environments at higher temperatures.

For this reason, those who need masking adhesive tape that can withstand drying in the oven must turn to special rolls, capable of ensuring excellent adhesion even when subjected to heat (It should be kept in mind that hot air jets are used to remove adhesive tape more easily without damaging the underlying surfaces).

For this reason, in our e-commerce you will find a category of masking tapes that can withstand temperatures up to 80 °C (176 °F). However, it is possible to have even more special needs.


Masking paper tape that can withstand 100 °C (212 °F) and above


Sometimes even greater resistance is needed, capable of withstanding even prolonged or repeated oven cycles at very high temperatures.

This is why in our e-commerce we offer paper tape that can withstand up to 100 °C (212 °F) as well as silicone polyester masking tape that can withstand over 200 °C (392 °F).

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