What is aluminium adhesive tape used for. Features and characteristics
There are adhesive tapes made with a range of differing materials. For example, paper adhesive tape, generally used for masking operations while painting at home, or at the industrial level, is very widely known.
Moreover, PVC or PPL adhesive tape, typically used to seal packages, or “American” duct tape, meant for repairs of the most disparate types on both objects and devices, are also familiar to most.
However, there are adhesive tapes made with very exceptional materials, used only in specific situations, that, because of this, are not as recognizable.
Aluminium adhesive tape can, without a doubt, be counted among them, as it is certainly not a very widespread product, and that is only used by a very small number of professionals.
But what is the structure of aluminium adhesive tape, what specific uses does it serve, and what models of it are available? Here is a quick guide to using and choosing adhesive aluminium rolls.
What is aluminium adhesive tape
It is difficult not to notice aluminium adhesive tape: they stand out from the start because of their shiny and metallic surface in the midst of all other regular types of adhesive tape. But what is the structure of this kind of tape?
As it will be outlined soon, there are actually different variants, meant for different uses. In principle, however, the structure of regular aluminium adhesive tape consists of two elements.
On top is the support, a thin metal film which offers structure and resistance to the tape. Below is a mixture of glues which create an adhesive film, a blend of substances making it possible to offer the desired adhesiveness without losing the features of this tool.
As it will soon be clear, in fact, it would be completely pointless to use the same type of adhesive employed in the manufacturing of paper or PVC tape, which are designed to be used in totally different situations.
What is the use of aluminium tape?
Let’s consider the use of aluminium adhesive tape, which – given its cost and its peculiarities – should never be used as a regular tape is. Therefore, it’s best to avoid using this tape to seal packages or to hang posters.
And it is obviously best to avoid, in any case, using aluminium adhesive tape to carry out repairs or joining of electrical elements, it being in no way an insulating tape capable of blocking electricity. So, what is aluminium tape used for?
It is a tool designed specifically for use in environments and in situations where temperatures can be particularly high or particularly low.
Because of this, both the chosen support and the adhesives can easily withstand temperatures other than those normally found, therefore above 50 or below 0 °C (122 – 32 °F).
In these contexts, in fact, normal adhesive tape loses its properties very quickly, becoming useless in a few days or even in a few hours.
It should also be noted that, thanks to the materials used, aluminium adhesive tape is also able to resist humidity, aggressive atmospheric agents, ultraviolet rays and so on.
The applications of aluminium adhesive tape
Though specific, the applications of aluminium adhesive tape are not scarce.
It can be used, for example, for plumbing or air circulation systems repairs, saunas heat pipes, boilers and stove pipes sealing, securing refrigeration joints, and so on.
Typical aluminium tape resists can without any issues to temperatures up to 120 °C (248 °F), though it must be said that some models can overcome even higher temperatures.
The different types of aluminium tape
In our adhesive tapes e-commerce, inside the category dedicated to aluminium tape, you’ll be able to find different types of products. It is possible, for example, to buy rolls with or without liner.
By buying tapes with protective liner, you have the chance to overlap the tape, something that isn’t possible in the case of models without liner. The sizes of this kind of tape vary; it can be more or less wide, and more or less thick (usually around 70my, 90 my, or 100 my).
The typical colour is that of natural aluminium, but there are also black, white, or brown aluminium tape rolls.
The price of aluminium adhesive tape meant for high temperature applications
Given the peculiar characteristics and the materials used, it is not surprising that prices can be found to be quite high when purchasing aluminium tape: prices tend to range from 4 to 10 euros per roll, depending on the length of the tape as well.