The best adhesive tape for sealing bags. How to find and recognize it

Adhesive tape is used in different sectors and contexts. For example, industrial painting, which regularly uses adhesive tape to mask what should not be coloured.


Bodywork shops do the same when repainting a car, and carpenters do something similar when they have to paint furniture and windows.


Long stretches of adhesive tape are used by painters to protect shelves, doors, and baseboards. And again, the adhesive tape and especially industrial double-sided adhesive is used abundantly by those who need to place carpeting and rugs, not to mention all the uses that these tape rolls have in the industrial world as surface adhesives. However, it should be noted that adhesive tape is often used not as glue or masking tool, but as a sealant.


This is the case of adhesive tape used to seal bags, which is therefore being used as a reinforced “strap” to close bags of the most different kinds safely and securely.


But how to choose the best tape for sealing bags? Let’s have a look at the peculiar characteristics of this type of tape!


The best adhesive tape for sealing bags


Before we see what the characteristics of the best adhesive tape for sealing bags are, let’s consider what the tasks this particular tape will need to accomplish are. These are, first of all, rather narrow double-sided tape rolls, therefore far from the size of the tape employed for other uses, typically wrapped around rolls of considerable width, to facilitate the work of the person sealing bags.

But what should companies look for in a good adhesive tape for the sealing of bags? First of all, it’s best to look for a double-sided adhesive tape that presents excellent adhesive power; more specifically, adhesion must be high from the start, and then reach the final adhesive power in a short time, so as not to compromise the sealing of the bags.

It should also be noted that a good bag sealing tape for the many different sectors it is employed in, must be able to offer excellent adhesion on different kinds of surfaces, and more specifically on both polar and non-polar surfaces.

It should not be forgotten that, especially in serial use, it is best to choose strong double-sided adhesive tape for the sealing of bags which can be used with normal tabletop dispensers, which have the task of always keeping the tape tight, thus allowing for quick and autonomous closure of the bags.

But that’s not all: the best adhesive for sealing bags is also the one allowing for easy removal and, more specifically, which can be removed without leaving any glue residue behind. For all these reasons the best adhesive for sealing bags is the one made with natural rubber adhesive.


The uses of adhesive tape for sealing bags


There are many products sold in bags, and so there are many activities for which adhesive tape used for bags is particularly valuable. First of all, for bakery products such as bread and other similar foods, which regularly need to be placed and protected in a well-sealed bag.

But industrial double-sided adhesive tape for the sealing of bags is ubiquitous even on the counters of flower shops, to facilitate and speed up the packaging of bouquets and compositions. And it can also be found in many other areas!

Polar and non-polar surface


Above, polar and non-polar surfaces were mentioned, highlighting the fact that the best adhesive tape for closing bags is the one that works and therefore adheres smoothly on both types of surfaces. What kind of surface are we talking about?

Well, it must be noted that not all smooth surfaces offer the same level of grip for adhesive tape. Other factors include polarity, which has an important influence on the adhesive power between the tape and the surface.

Glass, for example, is a polar surface, which therefore offers a very high energy for adhesion. The same applies to other materials, such as PET.

On the contrary, there are many materials that offer non-polar surfaces, such as PVC and HDPE, on which adhesion becomes less easy. A good adhesive tape, and specifically a good adhesive tape for sealing bags, should offer a good level of adhesion on materials with different levels of polarity.

Now you know how to seal bags with an effective tape!

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