How to use tape dispensers. Here is our guide

How can you use a tape dispenser? This is an easy question, which everyone, or almost everyone can give an answer to. All of us, in fact, have used a tape dispenser at least once in our lives.


However, we’d like to take advantage of the topic in question to find out something more about this useful tool: in addition to outlining how to use a tape dispenser, then, we will also illustrate when, by whom, and why tape dispensers were invented, and what kinds can be found on the market.


Let’s dive into the world of tape dispensers: it’s a more interesting topic than you might think!


The history of adhesive tape dispensers


Before describing how to use double-sided tape dispensers, and before outlining what the main kinds of dispensers on the market are, it is worth delving into the history of this object.


The history of double-sided tape will be discussed in depth later on: here, we shall simply summarize the beginnings of this tool. Until a century ago there was nothing like it: in the early years of the twentieth century no one had ever seen, used, or heard of anything like adhesive tape.


Tape was invented by a chemical and mechanical engineer in Minnesota in 1925. His name was Richard G. Drew, and his intent was neither to make adhesive to seal packages or to mend things: in fact, his aim was to create a tool which would eliminate smears in the process of painting cars.


The first strong double-sided tape was simply a paper tape with an adhesive side, which, employing slight pressure, could actually stick to the surfaces that needed to be coloured, thus eliminating any smudges.


Five years later, in 1930, the Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Company, the famous 3M, launched the first ever tape product, a transparent adhesive tape.


Adhesive tape dispensers were developed immediately afterwards: using adhesive tape daily without being able to count on such a tool can truly be frustrating! The inventor, in this case, was John Borden, also a USA citizen: his dispenser was comprised of a metal table support equipped with a razor blade, to cut industrial double-sided tape each time easily and quickly as needed.


Since then, adhesive tape dispensers have evolved into various shapes and sizes to meet the needs of the most diverse groups of users.


Types of dispensers


·         Shell dispensers: the first and most common type of tape dispenser is also the simplest. It’s a thin, lightweight support, made with medium-low quality plastic, and has a reduced production cost. The structure is “shell-like” and simplified to the maximum: on one side there is a pin on which to attach the roll of industrial double-sided tape, on the other side a blade – also made of plastic – which allows for the comfortable cutting of the tape, without having to use scissors or other tools, and without losing track of the edge of the adhesive tape. In most cases, these dispensers are made up of a single piece of plastic – sometimes two – and are sold together with the roll of adhesive tape directly. By their very nature they are destined for a not-too-extensive use in time.

·         Desk dispensers: then, there are desk dispensers for office tape. These are accessories copying the basic structure of the simplest dispenser type, but which offer better convenience of use and greater durability, characteristics which are added to greater aesthetic pursuit. It is therefore a tool designed to last over time, a much heavier tool than a simple plastic dispenser. And, it must be said, in this case heaviness is an advantage: this, together with the peculiar non-slip base, makes it possible to use the dispenser with only one hand – whereas, in the case of the shell dispensers, it is necessary to use both hands.

·         The manual dispenser: an evolution of the tabletop dispenser is the manual dispenser, typically used to seal boxes and packages quickly and efficiently. These devices, ergonomic and typically used with duct tape, always keep the tape taunt, and make it possible for you to apply and cut it precisely with very fast movements.


How to use tape dispensers


How can you use tape dispensers? Using the simplest models, such as desk models, is actually very simple. To start with, you’ll need to place the roll on the appropriate pin, then detach the edge of the tape (usually equipped with easy opening, thanks to a small paper tap) and stretch it up to the blade of the dispenser.


From that moment on, whenever you need tape, you won’t have to waste time looking for the end of the tape or a pair of scissors: with a single gesture you can pull out the tape and cut it there where necessary.


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