How to seal a box with adhesive tape. Here is the right method
How can you seal a box with adhesive tape? Everyone will need, at some point, to seal a package perfectly.
Some people face this task every day: for example, of the packaging and logistics departments of various companies, but also many e-commerce owners who must pack their products and ship them without risk every day.
But non-professionals often have to figure out how to seal a box with double-sided tape in a safe and durable way. People who are moving, for instance, who are handling the task of boxing up clothes, dishes, books, vinyl records, and so on: in this case, too, it is absolutely crucial to be able to make resistant packages, which do not put their contents at risk!
For this reason, today we will have a look at how to seal a box with adhesive tape, taking into account both materials and techniques. Let’s begin!
Which cardboard box to choose
Let’s start from the box: even before considering which industrial double-sided tape to choose, it is best to decide which box will be the right one. The size of the boxes must be decided according to the size of the objects, their quantity, and their weight. Think, for examples of boxes of clothes for a move: it will be possible to use very large boxes, as clothing does not weigh much.
In the case of books or pots and pans, however, it will be best to opt for smaller boxes, as a huge box filled with these objects will probably end up weighing too much, making its handling unnecessarily complicated.
It is also best to consider the type of cardboard: a box which will need to contain heavy and fragile objects must, for example, be made of double waved corrugated cardboard, while in other cases it will be possible to simply choose a single waved cardboard.
Which tape to choose
Which adhesive tape should you choose to seal your packages? Well, as you can notice just by browsing our online store for professional double-sided adhesive tape, when it comes to buying tape and sealing tape for cardboard you are really spoiled for choice. Let’s have a look at the main types:
· Packaging tape: the classic PVC packaging tape, durable and perfect to seal normal heavy packages.
· PPL packaging tape: the standard choice to seal boxes of medium or low weight.
· High-strength packaging tape: reinforced with woven weaves, to prevent any accidental opening.
· Eco-friendly packaging tape: a durable and eco-friendly packaging tape made of natural rubber for the most environmentally conscious.
· Tamper-proof adhesive tape: a pre-printed polyester tape, which leaves a clear print when removed from the carton. Perfect to signal and prevent unwanted tampering!
· Silent packaging tape: for those who often pack packages and want to minimize the noise made by the tape.
· Paper packaging tape: another sustainable choice to seal boxes.
Once you have decided which cardboard and which strong double-sided adhesive tape to choose for your packages, let’s have a look at the actual sealing. The goal is to seal the boxes in a durable, fast, and economical way: let’s have a look at how to proceed!
How to seal a box with adhesive tape: a guide to sealing packages
A regular box usually has the shape of a parallelepiped, which can be wider and narrower, and higher and lower than usual. Let’s start with a basic rule: the package must be closed on both sides.
Below, to prevent the weight of the contents from breaking through during transport, putting at risk the products inside; above, to prevent the box from opening accidentally, and to make sure that what is contained is always protected from dust, prying eyes, and so on.
That said, there are several ways to seal a box with industrial double-sided tape, depending on the weight, value and fragility of the content.
Let us think, for example, of a small box, with a low weight – less than 15 kg (33 lb) – which will have to be transported for a short period of time. In this case, there will be no need for an extremely strong seal: you can then adopt a U-lock, both above and below.
What does that mean? Simple: you will apply a single long piece of adhesive tape along the opening of the box, to close the two flaps, letting a bit of tape run on both sides – to form a U, or a C shape. This must be done on both sides.
And for heavier packages? These are packages between 15 and 30 kg (15 and 66.1 lb). In that case, it will be best to switch to a safer seal, reinforcing the U-shaped closure with 4 pieces of tape to be applied on each of the “open” edges of the package.
Finally, for larger parcels and longer-lasting transports, it will be best to close them completely with an H seal. The U-seal will then be completed with another 4 “lateral” U, to completely seal each side of the box.