How to remove adhesive tape. Techniques for the perfect method!
How can you remove adhesive tape? There are so many different types of adhesive tape. There are weaker ones, mostly used as stationery, or maybe to tape a present shut. But there are also much stronger kinds of double-sided tape.
Let’s consider, for example, American duct tape, high-performance adhesive tape, and so on. There are also other adhesives that, although they are not particularly strong, are still difficult to remove, perhaps because they have been left on that surface for a long time.
There are also those who need to remove adhesive tape used on a showcase to hang up a poster, or who need to remove glue residue of a window covering from glass.
But let’s not forget those who wish to remove a sticker from car bodywork without doing any damage, or those who must remove it from plastic or other smooth materials. Often, in reality, the issue isn’t so much understanding how to remove double-sided tape, but rather understanding how to remove all the glue residue that the tape leaves behind.
Today, in any case, we will consider both of these steps, how to remove adhesive tape, and how to clean the surfaces from the most stubborn glue residues completely and quickly.
Let’s start with tools: what do you need to have on hand to quickly remove adhesive tape from smooth surfaces without doing any damage?
Removing adhesive tape: everything you need
What will you need to remove adhesive tape and residual glue? Nothing special, truly: each of us should in fact have everything needed for this operation in the house without necessitating a trip to the shops or specialized stores.
We assume that you have already tried to remove the strong double-sided adhesive tape using only your fingers, or at most your fingernails. That is obviously the first step, the attempt we all make to get rid of adhesive tape: when this goes badly, or when it leaves behind too much glue residue on a surface, you need to consider other techniques.
First of all, you should find something that will soften the glue, making it more pliant and easier to get rid of. Something liquid, to be applied directly on the affected surface with a sponge, or with a cloth.
The best solution is cleaning solvents, or common nail acetone, or ethyl alcohol. It should be noted, however, that alcohol cannot always be found at home, and it should also be emphasized that certain types of plastic could be damaged by prolonged contact with solvents and acetone (whereas it can be used without issues on other surfaces, such as glass and steel, just like alcohol).
What to do when you do not have these solvents on hand? Or maybe when, because of lack of ventilation, you do not want to use these very strong and unhealthy liquids?
There are household replacements that are worth trying: they are a little less effective, but they can still help you a lot in the removal of adhesive tape from smooth surfaces. The first and most used household liquid to soften the glue is vinegar; lemon juice also works quite well, diluted as needed with a few drops of water.
Those with patience can also use olive or seed oil, which will soften and “lubricate” the glue.
And then what? And then you need something for the “mechanical” part of the process, and then to physically remove the industrial double-sided adhesive tape and glue residue. On most surfaces the scrapers used during winter to remove ice from car windshields can be used without issues; old plastic cards also work rather well, from your phone card to your old gym membership card.
On resistant materials, in case of very stubborn glue, it is possible to use – with all due precaution – a razor blade as well, and tweezers, in case of need, to remove individual residue.
How to use all these elements to remove tape?
How to remove adhesive tape
First of all, in the case of particularly stubborn adhesive tape, it is possible to use a little solvent – or one of the household substitutes that we outlined – to soften one of the corners of the tape.
After a few minutes it should be easier, by helping the scraper, to be able to lift industrial double-sided adhesive tape, and thus have a strong enough grip to completely remove it. If you still find it difficult, you can use solvent again.
Once the adhesive tape is removed, the surface can be completely cleaned, or sprinkled with glue residue. In that case, armed with a sponge, you will bathe the entire affected area with solvent, vinegar, or oil, and leave it for about 15 minutes.
At the end of this time period, you can patiently scratch the surface with the scraper, possibly with the aid of a small razor blade – well tilted! – and with tweezers. Finally, to clean the surface, use a suitable detergent/degreaser.