How to open double-sided tape. A complete guide to use it at its best
How do you open double-sided adhesive tape? Today, we will have a look at how to best use this accessory, focusing, among other things, more precisely on the tricks you can use to open adhesive tape quickly and easily, without wasting any time.
Of course, as an e-commerce site which sells adhesive tape and double-sided adhesive tape, we are not entirely impartial or uninterested in saying it, but we’ll say it anyway: no house or company should lack a roll of double-sided tape.
Think for example of the ability to place and hang a picture on the wall without the need to use dowels or nails, so without making holes on the wall, without having to use a drill, and so on.
The double-sided tape, in a nutshell, is the perfect tool when you need to make two surfaces stick together in a stable way. As we will outline later, there are different types of double-sided tape, each with a different grip power and with different formats.
In any case, in order to be able to effectively use strong double-sided adhesive tape, you must first of all understand how to open it!
How to open double-sided adhesive tape: a guide
So, how can you open double sided tape? This question can have two different answers, because the same question can address two different moments of double-sided tape use.
One could refer, first of all, to the moment when it is necessary to find the start of the tape, in order to be able to detach part of it from its roll. As we know, very often, it is not easy to find the extremity of tape roll, especially in the case of transparent tape.
In the case of double-sided tape, finding the start is easier, due to the simple fact that this tape, being made up of several layers – that is, the two double-sided tapes, the support, and the outer protective film – has a greater thickness.
Nevertheless, to be certain to always find the start of double-sided adhesive tape immediately, you can take advantage of a few tricks, for example by putting a paper clip under the outermost section of the tape before storing it.
The question “how to open double-sided adhesive tape?” can, on the other hand, refer to the moment when you’ll have to remove the protective film from the tape itself, thus also exposing the upper adhesive section.
Well, it should be specified that the protective film has to always and only be removed when the double-sided adhesive tape has already been applied on the first surface to attach; only then – even better after having made sure to press the adhesive tape with the palm of one hand – it will be time to remove the protective film, to expose the top adhesive layer and finally apply the second object.
Given the steps that must be taken to open double-sided tape, let’s have a look at some other advice on how to use it to its best.
How to use double-sided tape: the importance of cleaning
Using double-sided adhesive tape gives us the opportunity to glue two surfaces firmly together in no time. As we have outlined above, just open the double-sided adhesive tape, apply it on the surface to attach, remove the protective film and have the second object stick in the desired position.
Simple and fast. But be careful: for the adhesive tape to remain effective for a long time it is necessary for both surfaces to be clean. Our advice is therefore to remove dust, grease, or other substances which may not be sufficiently adherent from the affected areas, as they could compromise the tape’s durability.
It is much better to waste a few seconds to dust the area – in the case of cardboard or wood for example – or, in the case of other surfaces, to take the time to use solvents or alcohol to make sure you are working on a clean surface.
How to choose the double-sided tape
As you’ll be able to infer from our adhesive materials online store, there are different types of industrial double-sided adhesive tape among which to choose according to your needs.
Those who use double-sided tape for simple tasks, such as gluing paper together while wrapping a gift, or gluing paper in a notebook, can use weaker double-sided tape, or the rolls of double-sided tape that are sold in stationery shops or even supermarkets.
Those who want a professional, high grip strength, double-sided adhesive tape, can instead opt for a powerful high performance double-sided adhesive tape, which offers excellent and durable adhesion even on materials with low surface energy.
Moreover, you can choose between high-thickness double-sided tapes made with foam, and double-sided tapes for fitted carpeting and rugs. The last thing to do is to have a look at how to store industrial double-sided tape over time!
Proper storage of double-sided adhesive tape
Not always, or indeed almost never, double-sided adhesive tape completely exhausts its function after the first use – except for the rolls acquired for the fitting of carpeting: in that case, it is normal to finish one or more rolls in a single day. In general, to make it last a long time, a roll of double-sided adhesive tape must be stored at room temperature, between approximately 15 and 25 °C (59 – 77 °F), kept away from moisture, dust, and sunlight.